Ganna kravchenko leaves the kissinger arc alliance

For five years, ukrainian-born ganna kravchenko has been sustainably challenging the region’s potential, energetically promoting the development of the alliance communities of bad bocklet, burkardroth, nudlingen and oberthulba as a manager. Since march 2015, the graduate in environmental protection, resource and agricultural management with a focus on "regional development" has been coordinating the organization’s activities the work of the kissinger arc alliance. During this time, she has worked with mayors and councillors to map out ways to make the local area stronger beyond the metropolitan areas. "My task was to promote identification with the homeland, to develop ecological awareness, to give young people access to art and culture in the region and thus to demand a sense of belonging to the homeland", says the dynamic manager, who is convinced of the great potential of the small region.
With many projects, the alliance has tried to show people the advantages of our "livable region" to show. Among other things, work groups such as gemusekorb, shopping voucher, kindergarten, dialects, rhon dishes, two rough alliance days and the excellent and demanded film project "rhonkappchen and the search for the homeland" with schools from the allianz area emerged and gave new impetus to the region. This is not only about culture, although ganna kravchenko has made her mark here as a youth choir director, but also about ecological awareness and a sense of belonging to one’s homeland. That’s why "rhonkappchen" is so important in the meantime, far more than a small "home movie" co-designed by schoolchildren, also more than a marketing gag. "The figure is a sympathetic figure who creates identification for an entire region", says ganna kravchenko, who looks back with satisfaction after five years before she follows the call to wurzburg as the environmental representative of the order of the erloserschwestern sisters.
The task in the alliance was new and quite challenging. "That appealed to me because I like initiating more than managing". Networking four different, independent communities and running a community organization as an association requires a lot of coordination processes: "it’s like dancing at four weddings said the young woman, because the organization including the manager is not located in a city hall, but somewhere between the communities. The sword of damocles also hangs over the "expiring claim" he says that there was no permanent employment, as is the case with other municipal alliances. Nevertheless, much had been achieved together and a good basis had been laid for the further development of the intermunicipal level.
The transition to the new joint responsibility to beata schmaling and stephanie kunder may also be smooth, because mrs. Kravchenko had already shared the position with beata schmaling after the birth of her child, and stephanie kunder also knows the alliance. She was already overseeing the alliance’s public relations work. Ganna kravchenko: "it was an exciting task, but now is time for new".