The good news: the land of the former brockardt concrete factory and the former dairy farm on kanonenweg, which has lain fallow since 2000, will be built on. The edeka group of companies in northern bavaria-saxony-thuringia wants to build a supermarket as well as a student residence and a senior citizens’ residence on the site. Residential development is planned in the core area – a small new district is being created there.
Traffic chaos feared
This will have an impact on residents, especially in kalenderweg and scharnhorststrabe. There, the construction plans elicited skepticism and, in some cases, rejection. This became clear at an information event on tuesday evening in the rosengarten congress center. The owners of the neighboring properties fear traffic chaos in kalenderweg. From there, an access road will lead into the residential area. In addition, they are concerned that the red creek, which is to be relocated, comes too close to their homes.
But first, edeka regional manager stephan kohler explained what is actually planned for the 3.8-hectare site. A preliminary investigation has shown that there are still contaminated sites in the soil that need to be removed. "We will have to remove several thousand cubic meters of soil", he said. In addition, the rottenbach, which runs across the land and is currently still encased in concrete, is to be renaturalized and relocated to the eastern boundary of the site. And here the first criticism of the directly affected residents began. They fear that especially during heavy rainfall the water will press on their properties. Matthias kohler, who was responsible for the hydraulic expertise, countered that the water management office had found the plan to be sound and had not raised any concerns. In addition, the renaturation, together with the existing retention basin, will reduce the flow of water and alleviate the situation.
Another point of discussion was the development and its consequences for traffic. On the one hand, there is the edeka market with around 2600 square meters of sales area, a bakery with open seating area and the associated parking spaces. In addition, a parking garage is planned on the land of the former milk yard with 300 parking spaces. The development will take place via kanonenweg. There will be fub and bike paths throughout the gelande area.
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