No sign of excitement. Instead, bernhard rub stands there with a grin on his face. Apparently this reflects his anticipation of the press conference that is about to begin. Because the habberge district association of the SPD has invited people to talk at the cafe auszeit in eltmann. There, the party will present its candidate for the march 2014 county council elections.
That it would be the 59-year-old rub, the incumbent mayor of sand, was an open secret. The frankischer tag had already found out and reported it at the beginning of july, now came from the side of the social democrats the official confirmation. Becoming a red county councilman in an otherwise black county is a difficult task for the candidate. "Who else, if not bernhard rub, is in a position to do this??", asks wolfgang bruhl, district chairman of the habberge SPD, rhetorically during his address to the press and his fellow party members.
What rub wants
Rub makes it clear right away what his ambition to become a district administrator is all about: "i hope the interest is not only in my person, but also in my convictions." Because rub has set his sights on an area that he has been working on for years as an incumbent mayor and member of the district and county councils: education, the energy transition, health care, the development of the rural area and, in connection with this, the connection of the entire habberge district to the nurnberg transport network (VGN). These are the pillars on which he wants to build a sustainable county. And doesn't want to just say that: "you have to have wishes, but they have to be adapted to reality every now and then, otherwise they will remain airlocks."
Rub, more of a pragmatist, thinks little of exaggerated promises and concentrates on what is feasible. And in some areas, he says, more could have been done. Keyword energy transition in the district: all this is going too slowly and not far enough for him. In the past, for example, he campaigned for wind turbines to be allowed in nature reserves such as the steigerwald or habberge mountains. But his weight in the main-rhon regional planning association as sander's mayor was apparently too little. As district administrator against it…
Speaking of sander burgermeister: didn't rub once say that he would never run for the office of mayor?? Yes, he admits, in 2005, before the upcoming election for mayor, he "clearly stated" that. It was clear that the current district administrator, rudolf handwerker (CSU), would not run again in 2008, and the SPD already had the idea of sending the well-known rub into the race. But he strictly refused. When mayoral elections were held again in sand in 2011, the issue of what would happen in the 2014 district council elections was not really on the agenda. Rub doesn't see a problem with this: "I will explain it to my seniors, he says.
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