Harry and meghan do not celebrate christmas with queen

Prince harry (35) and his wife meghan (38) will not celebrate the first christmas with their baby archie together with the queen.
The young family will spend the holidays, unlike the two previous years, not at the country estate of sandringham, but this time with duchess meghan’s mother doria ragland, a spokeswoman for the couple told the german press agency on thursday.
Harry and meghan were looking forward to spending time together as a family, starting as early as the end of november. Where this will be, the spokeswoman did not want to comment for security reasons. However, there was speculation in the british media that the couple were planning to meet over thanksgiving (28. November) going to the u.S. With baby archie. According to the british channel ITV, it is not yet clear where they will be at christmas.
Although queen elizabeth II. (93) according to the announcement behind the decision, the separate celebration was allowed to further fuel rumors of a growing estrangement between the glamorous couple and the rest of the royal family.
Normally, the immediate royal family spends the holidays with the queen and her husband, prince philip (98), at sandringham. The royals always attend the service together in the church st. Mary magdalene. Harry’s older brother william and his wife kate (both 37) had already celebrated christmas with kate’s parents instead of in sandringham.
Harry and meghan’s relationship with william and kate was recently seen as tarnished. In a television interview with the channel ITV, harry had hinted during a trip to africa in october that there is now and then a rift between him and his big brother. "We are certainly at the moment on different paths."He loves william very much, but "as a brother, you have good days and bad days," says harry.
Meghan criticized the royals’ requirement to maintain a "stiff upper lip" at all times. That means not letting any feelings show. "What that does on the inside is probably pretty damaging," the native american said in the ITV interview.
The team was marked by the stresses and strains of the past months. The past year has been "tough," she admitted. She had been very naive when she had taken warnings from the british tabloid press lightly. "I didn’t get it," says meghan.
Meghan has been the subject of much criticism in the media over the past year. For breaking the dress code at the wimbledon tennis tournament, for example, or for making several trips by private jet with harry totz’s public commitment to climate protection.
The royal pair struck back. No sooner had they returned from their trip to africa than harry announced lawsuits against various tabloid newspapers. He accused the "mail on sunday" of running an "unscrupulous campaign" against his wife. The winner was a private letter from meghan to her father, excerpts of which were published and commented on by the newspaper. Meghan is in constant conflict with her father. The "mail on sunday" rejected the accusations. Other blatter accused harry of hoarding his cell phone mailbox.