Girlfriend is annoying, mirror broken: court warns teenager

Girlfriend is annoying, mirror broken: court warns teenager

Because he had a fight with his girlfriend and she got on his nerves, a 19-year-old went wild on a car mirror. The blow to the mirror and the 50-euro damage that resulted have now brought him before the juvenile court of kitzingen. This has stopped the procedure. If the young man pays 150 euros, the matter is settled for him.

Whether he can pull it off, however, remains to be seen. A first attempt to settle the matter has already failed once. The man did not take advantage of the offer of the public prosecutor’s office to discontinue the proceedings due to damage to property in exchange for 16 hours of community service. So he ended up in the dock.

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It quickly became clear that the 19-year-old has a tendency not to open important letters and to miss or fail to keep appointments. At least he read the summons and came to the meeting. In court he also admitted the accusation. He was with the girlfriend and buddies in wurzburg on the road. Then he quarreled with his girlfriend. "She got on my nerves, so I broke the mirror", he told the court.

In the meantime, he has realized that this was not the right reaction and he wanted to get the matter off the table. The court agreed, but not without conditions. The 16 social hours initially brought into play failed because the man makes an education, is in the zwischenprufung and has hardly any time. So it was agreed that 150 euros would be paid to the district youth council by the 15th anniversary of the election. July. At the end, the youth judge’s words of warning: "this is the last chance to end the proceedings without a verdict, so take advantage of it."