A fancy new “pavilion
Several awards were made by the main and finance committee at its meeting on wednesday evening. Three related to the pavilion of the carl square school.
There it was about built-in furniture and wardrobes as well as the interior doors and the wall covering. The first order went to the cabinetmaker schable from goldburghausen for 114,000 euros, the doors were supplied by the cabinetmaker neser from burgebrach for 148,000 euros. This company is also responsible for the wall paneling (111,000 euros). The wardrobes consist of twelve rows with bench, hook and shelf for 25 children each. In addition, 16 fire doors and 19 other interior doors are installed. The wall cladding includes the inner checkroom block as well as the fall protection, i.E. The breastwork in the atrium. Two trades fell short of the estimate by a total of just under 40,000 euros, one exceeded the calculation by 28,000 euros. All three, however, they were very much below the most expensive offered.
Bernhard schwab (CSU) was irritated by the fact that the upper floor is being removed at the same time. Schwab recalled the city council's decision in 2016 that this floor would be prepared but not yet built out. A separate resolution was then needed for this, which schwab missed. Albert geinzer from the building authority affirmed that the city council is aware of the complete expansion. The rooms are also needed as temporary quarters for the renovation of the school next door. Mayor german hacker (SPD) informed the other day in the FT interview that the expansion was approved with the 2017 budget.