Pistorius sees good prospects of success for npd ban application

Pistorius sees good prospects of success for npd ban application

The application by the federal states underlines the fact that the extreme right-wing party is anti-semitic, racist and contemptuous of humanity and must be banned because of its anti-constitutionality, said the head of lower saxony’s ministry on wednesday at the start of the conference of interior ministers in osnabruck. "If we take our constitution seriously, then a party that is beyond this constitution and actively fights it must be banned."

At the same time, pistorius warned not to let up in the fight against the right-wing. "A ban on the NPD, there can be no doubt, is not a victory over right-wing extremist thought."Nevertheless a prohibition is of central importance, in order to meet the organized right-wing extremism structurally. Where the NPD has been represented in state parliaments so far, the right-wing parties have been cut off from party funding in case of a ban.

NRW interior minister ralf jager (SPD) said in osnabruck that bans are not the only means of combating right-wing extremists, but they are an important one. "A ban is an important sign that our constitutional state is taking consistent action against enemies of the constitution".